Monday, May 10, 2010

These pictures are from about three weeks ago. I decided to let Matthew "finger paint" with chocolate pudding. It started out pretty much as expected:

And ended pretty much as expected:

From here, Matthew went straight to the bathtub!

This video is from last night. I was trying to get a video of Matthew walking and this is the best one we got:

I'll try to get one that more clearly shows his cute little steps sometime soon.


Les said...

What a fun idea to have him finger paint with chocolate pudding, you are a lot braver than I am.

Scott said...

HA! I hadn't seen these pictures yet. He looks kinda tough with a beard...too bad he'll never be able to grow one if he takes after me.

Liz said...

oh my goodness! i love those little steps! what a cutie pie!